Reasons to Get a Smile Makeover

July 21, 2020
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Individuals who have missing or damaged teeth, a crooked smile or other oral problems could benefit from a complete smile makeover. From proper alignment to replacing lost teeth and closing gaps, the procedures involved can drastically change people’s appearance and resolve problems that may contribute to secondary health issues, such as infections.

Those considering such a makeover sometimes have reservations. Understanding the advantages, however, may help them make the most informed decision possible.

Makeover options

Before smile makeover patients can understand the potential gains from this process, learning about available options may give them the confidence to make suitable choices. While availability may vary by clinic, there are a number of procedures to address these dental concerns:

  • Overbite and underbite repair
  • Cracked or decayed tooth replacement
  • Crooked or crowded teeth

Makeover benefits

Working together, the dentist and the patient can decide on an appropriate plan to achieve the smile makeover. Each step can have a positive impact on an imperfect or damaged smile.

Increased confidence

Replacing missing teeth or closing noticeable gaps can help those who suffer from these issues feel more confident about smiling and speaking in public once the problems are repaired. This may be especially useful in professional situations where people are more likely to notice. Replacing missing front teeth on both the upper and lower jaw can make a considerable change in the appearance of a smile, and thanks to advancements in dental technology, implants are often indistinguishable from the surrounding natural teeth.

Improved speaking and eating

Individuals with damaged or missing teeth may experience problems with forming certain words and eating chewy or tough foods. A smile makeover can resolve these concerns and make speaking and chewing easier. Those who are hesitant to eat in front of others because of their oral issues can feel more at ease during social situations, such as dates and work functions.

Resolution of bite issues

Jaw misalignment and bite problems, or malocclusion, can cause daily pain and discomfort for those who suffer from them. Overbites and underbites may interfere with speaking and chewing and affect the jaw as well, causing it to pop or crack. These difficulties may also increase the risk of other oral issues, such as gingivitis when those affected start to neglect proper brushing and flossing habits due to the discomfort it might cause. The utilization of braces and jaw realignment procedures can correct these problems and relieve pain.

Reduced risk of infection

Individuals with multiple damaged or decayed teeth leave themselves open to serious oral infections that could affect the rest of the body. Bacteria from untreated broken teeth and gum disease can enter the bloodstream when saliva is swallowed and if left untreated, could travel to the heart and other vital organs. Having these issues addressed with a makeover can reduce the risk of infection that could lead to grave medical problems in the future.


A smile makeover not only gives those with dental concerns a beautiful new look but may also improve their overall health and resolve issues that have interfered with daily life. With so many options available, a healthy and dazzling smile may be more accessible than anyone realizes.

Are you considering a smile makeover in the Rohnert Park area? Get more information at

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

Call our Rohnert Park Dental Office to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.

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