3 Tips for a Better Morning Dental Routine

October 3, 2022
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When you love to play sports, knowing how to protect your smile while playing sports is crucial. We’ve got the info you need. Here’s how to keep your smile safe so you’re less likely to be sidelined by an injury to your teeth and jaw.

Knowing the Risks

Knowing how to protect your smile while playing sports starts with knowing the risks. Each sport carries its risks. Some sports are high-speed sports, like skiing, snowboarding, or bicycling. Others involve contact risks, like football or hockey, when players tackle or check each other. Some sports simply involve the risk of getting hit by a ball or falling.

Knowing the risks involved with the sport you play can help to determine which protective gear you should wear. If you’re unsure, ask your dentist. Your dentist treats sports dental injuries regularly and can advise you on how to best protect your smile.

Wearing the Correct Gear

One of the things your dentist might tell you about how to protect your smile while playing sports is to wear the correct protective gear. For some sports, protective gear should include a helmet, face shield, and mouthguard.

Mouthguards are often not required for playing sports but are highly recommended by dentists because of how much extra protection they provide for your teeth and jaw. You can purchase a mouthguard at most sporting goods stores or your dentist can provide you with a custom-fitted one for maximum comfort and protection.

Having an Emergency Plan of Action

Even when you do your best to learn how to protect your smile while playing sports, accidents, and injuries can still happen, unfortunately. Wearing the correct protective gear can help to minimize the risk of injury, but it’s still important to be prepared for a dental emergency in case one occurs.

Make sure to add your dentist’s number to your phone contacts and pass the number on to your team doctor, school nurse, or anyone else who can call on your behalf if you experience a dental emergency. In emergency situations, moments matter, and having the right emergency contact numbers on hand can help you to get the help you need as soon as possible.Want to wake up with a smile? Taking good care of your amazing smile is a great start! Here are 3 tips for a better morning routine to help turn your dental care into something you can’t wait to do each day.

1. The Right Toothbrush

One of our top tips for a better morning dental routine is to use the right toothbrush. Dentists typically recommend a soft-bristled toothbrush — and that’s important because you want it to be effective but also gentle!

But it’s also important to choose the right size to make sure you can reach every surface of every tooth (including those molars way at the back of your mouth!). An electric toothbrush can also be helpful to loosen and remove plaque in difficult-to-reach areas.

2. The Right Toothpaste

Just like the right toothbrush, the right toothpaste can also make a big difference. The first thing to check for is to see if a toothpaste carries the ADA (American Dental Association) seal of approval. This lets you know that it contains everything necessary to clean your teeth without ingredients that could be harmful to your teeth.

Then it’s important to decide what you need in a toothpaste. Are your teeth sensitive? Do you struggle with plaque buildup? Do you want a brighter smile? There are countless specialty toothpastes for many dental care needs, from sensitivity to whitening!

3. The Right Floss

Last but not least, another tip is to make sure that you have the right floss. Many people think of flossing daily as a chore, but when you have the right tools, it can be easy — and even enjoyable! From floss picks for on the go care, expanding floss for extra tender gums, to waterpik pressurized water flossers, there are so many options to suit every need and budget.

If you’re unsure which tools are right for you, talk with your dentist! They can help you figure out which tools will be the best match for your dental care needs and lifestyle to help take your morning to the next level!

Call our Rohnert Park Dental Office to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.

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